Demystifying The Spiritual: What does this all mean and why am I drawn to it all of a sudden?
There is no denying that the world is going through dramatic change; a global pandemic, natural disasters, war and famine- it can feel as though Mother Earth and her children are being challenged to stop and take notice. And with everything that we have experienced in the last few years it is no wonder some of us are starting to question the status quo and search for greater meaning.
In our quest for answers, some of us are finding that we are being drawn towards the spiritual; dreams may be more vivid, or we may be feeling more intuitive. You might have started to disconnected or ‘out of sync’ with your life or those around you. You might have developed an interest in alternative therapies or you might have even seen a social media post about ‘starseeds’ that left you wondering (don’t worry, I’ll explain). Or simply despite never having considered yourself to be spiritual, something has piqued your interest and you are keen to know more (and why!).
The truth is, for many of us, the time has come to assist in a bit of a consciousness shift. Senses are being heightened, perceptions are changing and we are starting to notice things that perhaps once passed us by. We are being shown things that before, we might have overlooked or ignored. The patterns, symbols, and things that once felt peculiar or strange are now intriguing.
We are being asked to open our eyes.
Now while I admit I won’t be able to address all of your questions in this short blog post, I will clear up three common mysteries that shroud the mystic world. I hope to demystify the spiritual and hopefully answer why you are starting to see synchronicities, signs and new-worldly things. Because, chances are, if you are all of a sudden, a little more curious, then it is time to take notice. And you know what’s cool? Most likely, the reason you are reading this today is because something told you to.
Numbers, numbers, numbers
Have you started to see numbers such as 11:11, 2/22/22, 3:33 more frequently that previously noted? Have these ‘coincidences’ been becoming less, well, incidental?
Master/angel numbers are the repeated sequence of numbers that you may be, for example, seeing on your digital clock, café bill, car number plates, etc. If you are seeing a repetition of certain numbers, it could mean that your angels or guides are trying to contact you or bring your attention to something in particular. For example, the number 1 is believed to be a highly transformative number and so many people who are at the start of their awakening, or going through a period of spiritual transformation, see 11:11 as an indication of a step change in their journey – telling them that they are on the right path.
The Universe can sometimes speak to us through codes, and while each master number has a particular meaning attached to it, (444 for example, akin to the life-path number 4, indicates practicality, action and movement) a succession of repeated numbers usually appears when we are being asked to stop and pay attention to something- in this case that your hard work is about to be rewarded. So, next time you see a master number, pause and consider what is happening in the moment. Your intuition, guided by the Universe or your angels will most likely provide the answer.
Lightworker Calling Card
Have you been questioning your place in the world lately? Have you been considering a career change to be more ‘in service’ to others or are you wondering what mark you will leave on the world?
If you have been feeling a desire to ‘give back’ in some capacity, have increased empathy for others, and a need to make the world a better place, then it is likely that you are being called as a ‘lightworker’. Lightworkers are enlightened beings who feel a pull towards helping others and have been tasked with serving humanity for the greater good.
Not all lightworkers are aware of the nature of their calling straight away. And not all lightworkers come from a lineage of spiritual beings. For example, I am the only person in my immediate family to experience such an awakening, and as such, my career prior to Love Academy Worldwide was vastly different.
Terms Lightworkers and Starseeds sometimes can be used interchangeably, as both of them share a common mission of spreading love and light to help humanity. However, there are some differences between them, such as their soul origin, and other missions that they came here to fulfil. Both possess strengths and abilities in one or more areas – yet for lightworkers, these gifts can sometimes take practice and guidance to unlock.
Some lightworkers assist humanity with their ability to manifest peace and love, whereas others have innate healing abilities. Some lightworkers ‘see’ or have psychic abilities in which they are able to perceive beyond this dimension of time and space. Others have the ability to inspire, guide, teach. And some lightworkers, of which I am a blessed example, are gifted in multiple areas, such as connecting with the Universe and the planets, teaching, and healing, and have the mission to initiate, assist and lead a Spiritual Awakening Movement here on Earth (more on this a little later).
‘Who am I’?
Starting to feel disconnected from the world around you is common when one embarks upon a spiritual awakening. This can mean that we may suddenly start to question our current career or study, wonder if we still relate to our friendship circle in the same way, re-evaluate our current belief systems, and even, feel as though we are no longer on the same wavelength as our partner. We can feel like a ‘fish out of water’, unsure where we fit – yet deep down, we know we are destined for more. If you are starting to feel as though you are on the precipice of change, but are confused and anxious about what it means, then chances are, your spiritual door is opening.
This idea of breaking down the ego, and becoming ‘enlightened’, so to speak, is a process – it doesn’t happen overnight. But this process can often lead to incredibly favorable outcomes. What starts as a set of unnerving questions: “who am I?”, “why am I really here?”can result in the most profound discoveries. On a greater scale, a spiritual awakening can lead you to your divine potential and enable you to raise the energetic vibration of those around you – basically making the world a better place. And who wouldn’t want that?
And the great news is, despite how it may feel sometimes, if you are feeling more spiritually curious, you are not alone. I have walked this path and so have many (if not all) of our Love Academy family. If you are interested in learning more about the new world, and gain insights and tools on how to unlock your potential, you are welcome to check out our course ‘Loving Yourself and Being Magnificent’… which really is about understanding how your magnificence is born from love and how we all have a part to play in the Earth’s energetic revolution. It truly is a life changing course.
I have been chosen by Universe and Mother Earth to help assist in a Spiritual Awakening Movement – from fear based low-frequency to love-filled high frequency, and by working with people such as yourself, those passionate, awakened and able, we have the opportunity to shift the collective consciousness to one of love, peace and harmony. If you have been feeling anxious and perplexed with the current state of the world and feeling drawn to the spiritual, then it could be time to answer the call.
Yours in love and light, from the Universe, Mother Earth and Me,
Christy x
There is no denying that the world is going through dramatic change; a global pandemic, natural disasters, war and famine- it can feel as though Mother Earth and her children are being challenged to stop and take notice. And with everything that we have experienced in the last few years it is no wonder some of us are starting to question the status quo and search for greater meaning.
In our quest for answers, some of us are finding that we are being drawn towards the spiritual; dreams may be more vivid, or we may be feeling more intuitive. You might have started to disconnected or ‘out of sync’ with your life or those around you. You might have developed an interest in alternative therapies or you might have even seen a social media post about ‘starseeds’ that left you wondering (don’t worry, I’ll explain). Or simply despite never having considered yourself to be spiritual, something has piqued your interest and you are keen to know more (and why!).
The truth is, for many of us, the time has come to assist in a bit of a consciousness shift. Senses are being heightened, perceptions are changing and we are starting to notice things that perhaps once passed us by. We are being shown things that before, we might have overlooked or ignored. The patterns, symbols, and things that once felt peculiar or strange are now intriguing.
We are being asked to open our eyes.
Now while I admit I won’t be able to address all of your questions in this short blog post, I will clear up three common mysteries that shroud the mystic world. I hope to demystify the spiritual and hopefully answer why you are starting to see synchronicities, signs and new-worldly things. Because, chances are, if you are all of a sudden, a little more curious, then it is time to take notice. And you know what’s cool? Most likely, the reason you are reading this today is because something told you to.
Numbers, numbers, numbers
Have you started to see numbers such as 11:11, 2/22/22, 3:33 more frequently that previously noted? Have these ‘coincidences’ been becoming less, well, incidental?
Master/angel numbers are the repeated sequence of numbers that you may be, for example, seeing on your digital clock, café bill, car number plates, etc. If you are seeing a repetition of certain numbers, it could mean that your angels or guides are trying to contact you or bring your attention to something in particular. For example, the number 1 is believed to be a highly transformative number and so many people who are at the start of their awakening, or going through a period of spiritual transformation, see 11:11 as an indication of a step change in their journey – telling them that they are on the right path.
The Universe can sometimes speak to us through codes, and while each master number has a particular meaning attached to it, (444 for example, akin to the life-path number 4, indicates practicality, action and movement) a succession of repeated numbers usually appears when we are being asked to stop and pay attention to something- in this case that your hard work is about to be rewarded. So, next time you see a master number, pause and consider what is happening in the moment. Your intuition, guided by the Universe or your angels will most likely provide the answer.
Lightworker Calling Card
Have you been questioning your place in the world lately? Have you been considering a career change to be more ‘in service’ to others or are you wondering what mark you will leave on the world?
If you have been feeling a desire to ‘give back’ in some capacity, have increased empathy for others, and a need to make the world a better place, then it is likely that you are being called as a ‘lightworker’. Lightworkers are enlightened beings who feel a pull towards helping others and have been tasked with serving humanity for the greater good.
Not all lightworkers are aware of the nature of their calling straight away. And not all lightworkers come from a lineage of spiritual beings. For example, I am the only person in my immediate family to experience such an awakening, and as such, my career prior to Love Academy Worldwide was vastly different.
Terms Lightworkers and Starseeds sometimes can be used interchangeably, as both of them share a common mission of spreading love and light to help humanity. However, there are some differences between them, such as their soul origin, and other missions that they came here to fulfil. Both possess strengths and abilities in one or more areas – yet for lightworkers, these gifts can sometimes take practice and guidance to unlock.
Some lightworkers assist humanity with their ability to manifest peace and love, whereas others have innate healing abilities. Some lightworkers ‘see’ or have psychic abilities in which they are able to perceive beyond this dimension of time and space. Others have the ability to inspire, guide, teach. And some lightworkers, of which I am a blessed example, are gifted in multiple areas, such as connecting with the Universe and the planets, teaching, and healing, and have the mission to initiate, assist and lead a Spiritual Awakening Movement here on Earth (more on this a little later).
‘Who am I’?
Starting to feel disconnected from the world around you is common when one embarks upon a spiritual awakening. This can mean that we may suddenly start to question our current career or study, wonder if we still relate to our friendship circle in the same way, re-evaluate our current belief systems, and even, feel as though we are no longer on the same wavelength as our partner. We can feel like a ‘fish out of water’, unsure where we fit – yet deep down, we know we are destined for more. If you are starting to feel as though you are on the precipice of change, but are confused and anxious about what it means, then chances are, your spiritual door is opening.
This idea of breaking down the ego, and becoming ‘enlightened’, so to speak, is a process – it doesn’t happen overnight. But this process can often lead to incredibly favourable outcomes. What starts as a set of unnerving questions: “who am I?”, “why am I really here?”can result in the most profound discoveries. On a greater scale, a spiritual awakening can lead you to your divine potential and enable you to raise the energetic vibration of those around you – basically making the world a better place. And who wouldn’t want that?
And the great news is, despite how it may feel sometimes, if you are feeling more spiritually curious, you are not alone. I have walked this path and so have many (if not all) of our Love Academy family. If you are interested in learning more about the new world, and gain insights and tools on how to unlock your potential, you are welcome to check out our course ‘Loving Yourself and Being Magnificent’… which really is about understanding how your magnificence is born from love and how we all have a part to play in the Earth’s energetic revolution. It truly is a life changing course.
I have been chosen by Universe and Mother Earth to help assist in a Spiritual Awakening Movement – from fear based low-frequency to love-filled high frequency, and by working with people such as yourself, those passionate, awakened and able, we have the opportunity to shift the collective consciousness to one of love, peace and harmony. If you have been feeling anxious and perplexed with the current state of the world and feeling drawn to the spiritual, then it could be time to answer the call.
Yours in love and light, from the Universe, Mother Earth and Me,
Christy x