How to Reignite Your Sex Life and Intimacy

by | Apr 21, 2022 | Love/Relationship

We’ve seen it in the movies: The sad, 40-something couple caught up in life’s mundane routine and busyness.

They haven’t had sex in years, eat the same food for dinner every night, and talk about the same things every day.

Their love feels lukewarm. There’s nothing fiery, passionate, or hot about it.

The bad news:

But now, you’re afraid your love might be headed in the same direction… or you’re already there. Your sex life feels bare, and you can count how many times you’ve had sex this year on the one hand. Despite everything you’ve been through together, you might feel like a stranger to your partner, never intimate or close.

You wish you could turn back time to the early days when you laughed, kissed, and dated each day.

The good news:

The good news is, the movies don’t tell the whole story. Those characters are just actors. But you’re the director. The main character. The writer. And by working together with your partner, you can flip the script, change the plot, and reignite your sex life into a fiery, burning love story.

All you need is a little bit of help relighting your spark.

I’m Christy, your Manifestation, Love and Life Coach, Spiritual Healer, and I’m here to help you find that fire again!

Why Sex and Intimacy are so Important in Relationships

Sex isn’t just a bonus in relationships. While it’s fun, it’s also essential to the health of your partnership. Of course, there are several physiological benefits of regular, consensual sex, including:

Physical Connection

● An emotional and physical high, due to the increase in dopamine and endorphins (happy hormones), as well as oxytocin (love hormones!)
● Stress relief
● Increased confidence and body image
● Better sleep and relaxation
● Even increased immune system, pain management, and cognition.

Emotional and Spiritual Intimacy

But even more than that, sex can help connect you and your partner on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.

Studies show that sharing these benefits and sensations with your partner helps you positively relate to your partner. When you primarily share negative experiences with your partner, it can be difficult to frame them in a positive light. But sharing this happiness, relaxation, and arousal with your partner will both scientifically and spiritually bond you together.

This connection can support other areas of intimacy in your life.

Sex and Intimacy

While sex and intimacy are deeply related, they are not the same.

Sex is the physical act of love, lust, and attraction. It is a very intimate experience, but it can take place without much true intimacy.

Intimacy is feeling close, vulnerable, and connected with someone, whether in an emotional, physical, spiritual, or sexual way. By improving one of these four areas of intimacy, we increase the closeness of the others. They’re all connected.

As such, getting disconnected emotionally can disconnect us sexually and physically, just as disconnecting sexually can often withdraw us emotionally and physically.

I know that by fostering intimacy, you can reignite your sex life and find that spark. We explore how to strengthen intimacy in all areas in my new relationship online course, Love Always.

What Causes Sex and Intimacy Issues?

How can something that once burned so bright feel so dull?

Often, it’s not the sex –– it’s something deeper. You need to foster intimacy in several ways. You need to re-see each other. To reignite your spark and hit refresh on your relationship.

Sex and intimacy issues can stem from a variety of problems, whether physical or emotional, including:

Common Mental and Emotional Causes

● A lack of trust or past betrayal
● Poor self-image or confidence
● Anxiety and stress
● Avoidance and discomfort being vulnerable
● Intimacy or abandonment trauma
● Disrespect, criticism, and resentment

Common Physical Causes

● Low libido
● Painful sex
● Erectile dysfunction
● Vaginismus
● Physical barriers, such as busyness, exhaustion, and lack of alone time spent together

If these sound too familiar, it’s not too let to redefine what sex and intimacy look like in your relationship.

So many relationship issues stem from unmet and uncommunicated expectations that turn to disappointment and resentment -– not great aphrodisiacs. By fostering intimacy in all parts of your life, you can feel close again. Safe again. Sexy again.

Signs You Need to Reignite Your Sex Life

● You have very little sex or sexual interaction.
● There’s a lack of romantic touch, such as cuddling, hugging, or hand-holding.
● You always feel too busy or too tired for each other.
● You act more like business partners or roommates than lovers.
● You constantly fight, criticize, or argue.
● You feel bored or too caught up in the routine.
● You don’t spend much time together (especially just the two of you).
● You don’t mind sleeping in different rooms most of the time.
● You don’t feel safe confiding in each other.

If these signs describe your relationship, don’t worry. You can find your spark again. And here’s a little fuel to motivate you to do so:

Benefits of Reigniting Your Sex Life

● Increased relationship and life satisfaction.
● Strengthen your commitment and bond together.
● Feel happier and have more fun!
● Grow intimate in other ways.
● Grow together and feel more connected in your lives.
● Boost your confidence in yourself and your own sexuality.
● Fall even more in love.
● Experience safety and security with healthy sex.

How to Reignite Your Sex Life

Reigniting your sex life is less about just having more sex and more about increasing intimacy and strengthening the foundation of your relationship.

Here are 5 key ways you can start rebuilding the foundation of your love with sex and intimacy:

1. Foster emotional, mental, and spiritual intimacy first.

Identify and work through any barriers blocking you from connecting.

2. Try new things together (in and out of the bedroom).

Mix up your routine in any way you’d like.

3. Get to know each other’s goals, dreams… and fantasies.

Explore each other!

4. Make each other feel safe.

Sex is not just about spontaneity but security. Spiritual intimacy is feeling safe being close.

5. Plan it out.

It sounds unromantic, but sitting down, talking about sex, and working it into your lives can make room for more spontaneity, passion, and love. Make it a priority –– make each other a priority.

Your Love & Relationship Course: Reignite Your Sex Life, Foster Spiritual Intimacy, and Fall Back in Love

We dive even deeper into the ‘how to’ in my new relationship online course, Love Always. From emotional and spiritual intimacy to physical and sexual intimacy, you can work together to make your love burn bright again. Love is a choice –– make your choice.

Choose your love. Reignite your spark. Join Love Academy’s Love Always relationship course today.

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